

Industrial Engineering Club

Industrial Engineering Club

IEC Logo Çankaya University Industrial Engineering Club, established in 1998, is the first student society at the university. The main purpose of this society is to provide coordination between industrial engineering students among different universities around Turkey, to help improving themselves during their university life to be the Industrial Engineers of the future, to organize social and educational activities for Industrial Engineering students and faculty.

The club has five main teams working on organizing (1) social activities, (2) field trips, (3) seminars and conferences, (4) visual design and social media, (5) collaborations and finance. Every Fall, members of the club kick off with a traditional brunch bringing freshmen, old students and faculty members together. During the academic year, they organize at least two field trips, three social activities and at least two educational seminars. We would like to welcome new members to our club to improve themselves and have fun while organizing these activities.

You may examine below for information about the academic advisor and the current president of the club, as well as contact information, links for social media and the club's activity calendar.

IEC president photo
Elif Öykü Candan
iec [at] student.cankaya.edu.tr

Connect with IEC on Social Media Platforms

IEC Activity Calendars

2024-2025Club President: Elif Öykü Candan
No Date Activity Type
1. Nov 2 Traditional Brunch 24' Social
2. Nov 7 EMK - 101 (Introduction to Industrial Engineering Club) Seminar

We discussed the structure of the Industrial Engineering Club and our plans for the upcoming year. With presentations from the leaders of our sub-teams, we actively recruited new members to our teams. We provided initial information about what the IE Club will be doing and also elaborated on the objectives behind these activities.

3. Nov 24 Our Department Visit for Teachers' Day on November 24, 2024 Social
4. Nov 29 Irregular Drama: To Be Irregular or Not to Be Seminar

We gave an awareness talk about the importance of all students at Çankaya University coming together. Immediately after, we organized a Kahoot quiz for the Irregular students who joined as mentors. While they answered the questions, we discussed topics such as course registration, academic advisor approval for course schedules, the add-drop week, challenges faced in various departments, and more. We continue to provide mentorship support based on the feedback we received from preparatory students who are considering whether to be irregular or not.

5. Dec 12 Global Engineering Trends: Project Management at ASELSAN Seminar

As part of the event, we were informed by our speaker, Özgür Ahmet TARAKÇI, through his experience-filled talk. We received information about ASELSAN and answers to our unique questions in the field of Project Management.

6. Dec 17 JAPAN Industrial Cultural Transformation and the Concept of Society 5.0 Seminar

As part of the event, we gathered at the Red Hall of the Central Campus with the participation of the President and members of the Turkish-Japanese Culture Research and Solidarity Association (TÜJAD). We all learned about Japan's history, culture, and its contributions to technology. We also gained insights into the concept of Society 5.0, which is relevant to our department.

2023-2024Club President: Elif Pergel
No Date Activity Type
1. Oct 15 Traditional Brunch 23' Social
2. Nov 17 Bowling Night Social
3. Nov 23 TUSAŞ Field Trip
4. Dec 17 Career Opportunities : Yakup Çağlar Seminar
5. Dec 29 Leadership and Team Work Seminar
6. Jan 5 ASTOR Field Trip
7. Feb 29 Hürkuş the Pilot Seminar
8. Mar 26 Lean Manufacturing Training Seminar
2022-2023Club President: Ceylin Nur Okar
No Date Activity Type
1. Oct 5 Traditional Brunch 22' Social
2. Nov 1 ASELSAN Field Trip
3. Nov 3 Bowling Game Night Social
4. Nov 17 Lean Production and Digitalization Social
2020-2021Club President: Selinay Tan
No Date Activity Type
1. Oct 16 Traditional Brunch 21' Social
2. Nov 1 Game Night Social
3. Nov 15 Astor Field Trip
4. Nov 17 ODS Consulting CV and Interview Simulation Seminar
5. Dec 11 December Summit Seminar
6. Dec 12 December Summit Seminar
7. Dec 23 Siyahlı Kadın Theater Social
8. March 2 Lean Production: Engin Eroğlu Seminar
9. March 16 Karaoke Event Social
10. March 26 LÖSEV Social
11. Apr 28 Özgür Koca: Career Ladders - ERP Seminar
12. May 7 Eymir Bicycle Tour Social
13. May 8 Cemil Demirbakan Seminar
14. May 17 Alumni Passage Seminar
15. May 30 EMKEBAP Social
2018-2019Club President: Hazal Çakmakçı
No Date Activity Type
1. Nov 7 Tea Meeting Social
2. Nov 28 Tea Talk: Mertcan Gül Social
3. Dec 11 Game Night: Passaparola Social
4. Dec 12 December Summit: Göktan Kantarcıoğlu Seminar
5. Dec 18 December Summit: Oğuz Dokur Seminar
6. Dec 19 December Summit: Ulaş Mallı, Dijitalleşen Dünya ve Değişen İş Hayatı Seminar
7. Dec 25 December Summit: Gökhan Çelenk, Satış ve Pazarlama Seminar
8. Dec 30 Game Night: Passaparola, New Year Social
9. Mar 12 Women in Technology Seminar
10. Mar 30 Guide Your Future: How to prepare a Resume? Seminar
11. Apr 17 Tea Talk Social
12. Apr 18 Step By Step Into The Future : Effective Use of LlinkedIn Seminar
13. Apr 28 ERP Systems: Ertaç Yıldız Seminar
14. May 7 B.A.L.A.N.C.E Seminar
15. May 22 From Online Education to Online Interview: ODS Consultancy Seminar
16. July 31 Experience Transfer Social
2018-2019Club President: Hikmet Nilay Mertal
No Date Activity Type
1. Oct 19 Traditional Brunch 19' Social
2. Oct 24 Game Night Social
3. Nov 14 Serdar Plastik Field Trip
4. Nov 22 Onat Totuk: ROBOETHICS Seminar
5. Dec 1 Tea Talk Social
6. Dec 11 Ortadoğu Rulman Sanayi A.Ş. Field Trip
7. Dec 14 Ömer Tekin, Hakan Acar: Yalın Üretim Çalıştayı Seminar
8. Dec 20 Bahar Yıldırım: Stratejik Proje Yönetimi Seminar
9. Feb 21 Bowling Tournament Social
10. Mar 2 Toyota Field Trip
2018-2019Club President: Sezgi Serdaroğlu
No Date Activity Type
1. Oct 20 Traditional Brunch 18' Social
2. Nov 6 Prof. Dr. Erdoğan Doğdu: Big Data Revolution Seminar
3. Nov 15 Anadolu Efes Field Trip
4. Nov 17 Theater: Radyo-yu Hümayun Social
5. Dec 8 Pet Shelter Visit Social
6. Dec 12 Buket Gökduman: Interview Techniques Seminar
7. Dec 13 Lazzoni Field trip
8. Dec 20 Türk Traktör Field trip
9. Mar 1 Game Night Social
10. Mar 12 MANage Your Career Seminar
11. Apr 6 Theater: Siyahlı Kadın Social
12. Apr 30 IE in Business Seminar
13. May 6 FORD Otosan Field trip
14. May 15 Hidromek A.Ş. Field Trip
15. May 30 EMKEBAP Social
2017-2018Club President: Özge Deniz Atay
No Date Activity Type
1. Oct 21 Traditional Brunch 17' Social
2. Nov 7 Coca-Cola İçecek Field Trip
3. Nov 14 UCTEA Chamber of Mechanical Engineers: Communucation, Worker Health & Safety for Tomorrow's Leaders Seminar
4. Dec 12 Erkunt Traktör Field Trip
5. Dec 16 Bolu-Abant Tour Social
6. Mar 31 Theater: Anna Karenina Social
7. Apr 5 Erkunt Traktör Field Trip
8. Apr 6 Onat Totuk: Industry 4.0 & Technology Management Seminar/Education
9. Apr 17 Ahmet Savaş Göktürk: EN ERP Seminar/Education
10. Apr 28 Cycling around Eymir Lake Social
11. May 4 M. Filiz Pehlivan & Burcu Yakışır Girgin: Entrepreneurship Seminar/Education
12. May 14 Nestlé Waters Türkiye & Erikli Field Trip
13. Jun 1 EMKebap Social
2016-2017Club President: Çağrı Çakmak
No Date Activity Type
1. Oct 22 Traditional Brunch 16' Social
2. Nov 11 MAN A.Ş. Field Trip
3. Nov 29 Akın Karakaya: Project Management Seminar
4. Dec 15 Onat Totuk: Industry 4.0 Seminar
5. Dec 17 Theater: Yeraltından Notlar Social
6. Dec 22 Coca-Cola İçecek Field Trip
7. Mar 24 İş Hayatında Endüstri Mühendisliği Seminar
8. Apr 6 Tree planting event Social
9. Apr 10 Erdemir A.Ş. Field Trip
10. Apr 15 Cycling around Eymir Lake Social
11. Apr 21 Theater Social
12. May 2 Müge Gümrah Çoruh & Ertaç Yıldız: Business Analysis Seminar/Education
13. May 9 EMKebap Social
14. May 10 Anadolu Efes Field Trip
2015-2016Club President: Burak Çelik
No Date Activity Type
1. Nov 8 Traditional Brunch 15' Social
2. Nov 30 Gürkan Gediz: Entrepreneurship Seminar
3. Dec 5 Track the Key Social
4. Dec 10 School Aid Campaign Social
5. Dec 25 Theater: Neşe Dert Aşk Social
6. Mar 1 Baştaş Field Trip
7. Mar 9 Coca-Cola Field Trip
8. Apr 25 ERP Awareness Day Seminar, Education
9. Apr 26 Hyundai, Gebze Field Trip
10. May 6 EMKebap Social