

Department Members

Full-Time Faculty

Syed Shah Sultan M. Qadri photo
Syed Shah Sultan M. Qadri, Assistant Professor

Academic Degrees
Ph.D., Yasar University, Industrial Engineering, 2022
M.S., NED University of Engineering & Technology, Applied Mathematics, 2013
B.S., University of Karachi, Mathematics, 2010

Office: L-307
Phone: (+90312) 233 1362
Email: syedshahsultan [at] cankaya.edu.tr

Research Interests
Simulation modelling, optimization, transportation planning, traffic modelling, and machine learning

Publications in Journals
  • Dave, D. ., Parikh, S. ., Patel, P. ., & QADRI, S.S.S.M. (2023). Location-Based Power Reduction Cloud Integrated Social Sensor Network. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 11(9), 364–375. https://doi.org/10.17762/ijritcc.v11i9.8398
  • Albdairi, M., Almusawi, A., & QADRI, S.S.S.M. (2024). Impact of Autonomous Vehicle Driving Behaviors on Signalized Intersection Performance: A Review. Usak University Journal of Engineering Sciences, 7(1), 14-26.
  • QADRI, S. S. S. M., Gökçe, M. A., & Öner, E. (2020). State-of-art review of traffic signal control methods: challenges and opportunities. European Transport Research Review, 12, 1-23.
  • QADRI, S. S. S. M., Gökçe, M. A., & Öner, E. (2020).Traffic Signal Timing Optimization for Signalized Roundabout using GA. International Journal of Advanced Research in Engineering and Technology, 11(11), 1888-1897.
  • Khan, N. A., MOHIUDDIN, S. S. S., Baig, M. M., & Minai, T. A. (2014). Statistical Analysis of Constraints Acquiring Higher Secondary Education. International Journal of Database Theory and Application, 7(2), 141-154.

Conference Proceedings
  • QADRI, S. S. S. M., Gökçe, M. A., & Öner, E. (2023). Simulation-Based Multi-objective Traffic Signal Timing Optimization Framework for Urban Signalized Intersection. The 15th Conference on Multiple Objective Programming and Goal Programming [Abstract book]. Academic Publishing. https://ie.yasar.edu.tr/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/Mopgp-Book-2023.pdf
  • Almusawi, A., Albdairi, M., QADRI, S.S.S.M. (2023). Microscopic Insights into Autonomous Vehicles' Impact on Travel Time and Vehicle Delay. The 5th International Conference on Distributed Sensing and Intelligent Systems [Presented]
  • QADRI, S.S.S.M., Athar, A. I., Almusawi, A., Albdairi, M., Esirgün, E. (2024). Etkili Trafik Yönetimi Kriz Durumlarında: Tahliye Rota Yöntemlerinin Tasarlanması ve Değerlendirilmesi. Trafik Mühendisliği Sempozyumu (23-24 Mayıs 202, Ankara) TMMOB İnşaat Mühendisleri Odası [Presented]
  • QADRI, S.S.S.M., Athar, A. I., Almusawi, A., Albdairi, M. (2024). Evaluating the Impact of Road Damage on Evacuation Efficiency: A Simulation Study Using SUMO in Izmir, Turkey. 7th International Azerbaijan Congress on Life, Engineering, Mathematical, and Applied Sciences [Presented]
  • Albdairi, M, Almusawi, A., Albdairi, M. QADRI, S.S.S.M. (2024). Simulation-Based Analysis of Traffic Conflicts: Safety Implications of Autonomous Vehicle Integration at Urban Traffic. 7th International Azerbaijan Congress on Life, Engineering, Mathematical, and Applied Sciences [Presented]
  • QADRI, S. S. S. M., Gökçe, M. A., & Öner, E. (2022, July). Improving the Performance of a Network of Signalized Roundabouts via Microscopic Traffic Simulation Tool. Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems: Digital Acceleration and The New Normal-Proceedings of the INFUS 2022 Conference, Volume 2 (pp. 364-371). Cham: Springer International Publishing.
  • QADRI, S. S. S. M., Gökçe, M. A., Öner, E., & Gökçe, E. G. (2019, October). Analysis of various scenarios to mitigate congestion at a signalized roundabout using microsimulation. 2019 innovations in intelligent systems and applications conference (ASYU) (pp. 1-6). IEEE.

Funded/Sponsored Research and Industrial Projects
  • Health Personnel Scheduling and Vehicle Routing Problem in Home Health System, Tübitak Project-217M555, (August 2019, December 2020)