

Bölüm Elemanları

Tam Zamanlı Öğretim Üyesi

Syed Shah Sultan M. Qadri fotoğraf
Syed Shah Sultan M. Qadri, Dr. Öğr. Üyesi

Akademik Dereceler
Doktora, Yaşar Üniversitesi, Endüstri Mühendisliği, 2022
Y. Lisans, NED Mühendislik ve Teknoloji Üniversitesi, Uygulamalı Matematik, 2013
Lisans, Karaçi Üniversitesi, Matematik, 2010

Ofis: L-307
Telefon: (0312) 233 1362
Eposta: syedshahsultan [at] cankaya.edu.tr
Haftalık Çizelge

Akademik İlgi Alanları
Simülasyon modelleme, optimizasyon, ulaşım planlaması, trafik modelleme ve makine öğrenimi

Akademik Dergilerde Yayınlar
  • Dave, D. ., Parikh, S. ., Patel, P. ., & QADRI, S.S.S.M. (2023). Location-Based Power Reduction Cloud Integrated Social Sensor Network. International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication, 11(9), 364–375. https://doi.org/10.17762/ijritcc.v11i9.8398
  • Albdairi, M., Almusawi, A., & QADRI, S.S.S.M. (2024). Impact of Autonomous Vehicle Driving Behaviors on Signalized Intersection Performance: A Review. Usak University Journal of Engineering Sciences, 7(1), 14-26.
  • QADRI, S. S. S. M., Gökçe, M. A., & Öner, E. (2020). State-of-art review of traffic signal control methods: challenges and opportunities. European Transport Research Review, 12, 1-23.
  • QADRI, S. S. S. M., Gökçe, M. A., & Öner, E. (2020).Traffic Signal Timing Optimization for Signalized Roundabout using GA. International Journal of Advanced Research in Engineering and Technology, 11(11), 1888-1897.
  • Khan, N. A., MOHIUDDIN, S. S. S., Baig, M. M., & Minai, T. A. (2014). Statistical Analysis of Constraints Acquiring Higher Secondary Education. International Journal of Database Theory and Application, 7(2), 141-154.

Konferans Makaleleri
  • QADRI, S. S. S. M., Gökçe, M. A., & Öner, E. (2023). Simulation-Based Multi-objective Traffic Signal Timing Optimization Framework for Urban Signalized Intersection. The 15th Conference on Multiple Objective Programming and Goal Programming [Abstract book]. Academic Publishing. https://ie.yasar.edu.tr/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/Mopgp-Book-2023.pdf
  • Almusawi, A., Albdairi, M., QADRI, S.S.S.M. (2023). Microscopic Insights into Autonomous Vehicles' Impact on Travel Time and Vehicle Delay. The 5th International Conference on Distributed Sensing and Intelligent Systems [Presented]
  • QADRI, S.S.S.M., Athar, A. I., Almusawi, A., Albdairi, M., Esirgün, E. (2024). Etkili Trafik Yönetimi Kriz Durumlarında: Tahliye Rota Yöntemlerinin Tasarlanması ve Değerlendirilmesi. Trafik Mühendisliği Sempozyumu (23-24 Mayıs 202, Ankara) TMMOB İnşaat Mühendisleri Odası [Presented]
  • QADRI, S.S.S.M., Athar, A. I., Almusawi, A., Albdairi, M. (2024). Evaluating the Impact of Road Damage on Evacuation Efficiency: A Simulation Study Using SUMO in Izmir, Turkey. 7th International Azerbaijan Congress on Life, Engineering, Mathematical, and Applied Sciences [Presented]
  • Albdairi, M, Almusawi, A., Albdairi, M. QADRI, S.S.S.M. (2024). Simulation-Based Analysis of Traffic Conflicts: Safety Implications of Autonomous Vehicle Integration at Urban Traffic. 7th International Azerbaijan Congress on Life, Engineering, Mathematical, and Applied Sciences [Presented]
  • QADRI, S. S. S. M., Gökçe, M. A., & Öner, E. (2022, July). Improving the Performance of a Network of Signalized Roundabouts via Microscopic Traffic Simulation Tool. Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems: Digital Acceleration and The New Normal-Proceedings of the INFUS 2022 Conference, Volume 2 (pp. 364-371). Cham: Springer International Publishing.
  • QADRI, S. S. S. M., Gökçe, M. A., Öner, E., & Gökçe, E. G. (2019, October). Analysis of various scenarios to mitigate congestion at a signalized roundabout using microsimulation. 2019 innovations in intelligent systems and applications conference (ASYU) (pp. 1-6). IEEE.

Akademik Araştırma ve Sanayi Projeleri
  • Health Personnel Scheduling and Vehicle Routing Problem in Home Health System, Tübitak Project-217M555, (August 2019, December 2020)